Karin joined the DS team as a personal trainer in December of 2014. From the very beginning, she performed a Bod Pod test. Her progress over the last 9 months is a testament to intelligent body composition improvement.
December 12th - 29.0%
May 27th - 24.8%
June 23rd - 22.4%
August 28th - 21.1%
September 26th - 18.9%
In less than 10 months, Karin has lost 11.5 pounds of weight while also ADDING 5.5 pounds of muscle (this means she has lost 17 pounds of fat!).
A few take home messages from Karin's results:
- She Bod Pod tests frequently thus providing accountability and positive reinforcement (small successes breed more success).
- She strength trains with an incredibly high level of intensity (2 times per week).
- She doesn't try to create a caloric deficit by performing additional excessive amounts of cardio-respiratory exercise. She is an active person, but not an exercise addict.
- She is conscious of her caloric intake but doesn't ban herself from eating specific foods.
In a fitness landscape wrought with fads, folklore, and self-proclaimed experts, Karin's results speak volumes about an intelligent, evidence-based approach to losing fat and increasing lean muscle.