Will the Real HIT Please Stand Up

At Discover Strength, we often refer to our approach to resistance exercises as HIT or High Intensity Training.  We have used this terminology for the last 10 years and I have employed HIT as a strength coach since 1999.  Recently, the terms "High Intensity Training," "HIT", or "HIIT" (High Intensity Interval Training) have increased in popularity.  Seemingly, if your heart rate is elevated or if there is sweat dripping off your nose during exercise, you are performing a variation of "HIT."  This really couldn't be any further from the truth.

Inspirational Yet Realistic Bod Pod Progress

Karin joined the DS team as a personal trainer in December of 2014.  From the very beginning, she performed a Bod Pod test.  Her progress over the last 9 months is a testament to intelligent body composition improvement.

Two Kinds of Motivation

My psychology or sport-psychology friends would be upset with me because I'm not actually talking about the academic classifications of motivation (intrinsic, extrinsic, fear, achievement, and so on). I'm talking about two, simple manifestations of motivation to reap maximum benefit from your workouts. Both are important. You may master one type ofmotivation while struggling with the other. Both must be nurtured.

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